10% Formaldehyde | |
10% Formalin, alcoholic solution | |
10% NB Formaldehyde | |
4% Formaldehyde | |
4% NB Formaldehyde | |
A.F.O.G. kit | |
Acetic acid, 0.5% solution | |
Acetic acid, 1% solution (used with Masson trichrome and Masson-Goldner kits) | |
Acetic acid, Colloidal Iron (A) solution | |
Acetic acid, Colloidal Iron (A) solution | |
Acetic acid, Colloidal Iron (B) solution | |
Acid alcohol | |
| |
Acid alcohol, Orcein | |
Acid solution | |
Acridine Orange Solution | |
Acridine Orange, C.I. 46005 | |
Amido Black 10B, C.I. 20470 | |
Ammonium iron sulphate, solution | |
Auramine O, C.I. 41000 | |
Azan reagent | |
Azan Trichrome kit | |
Azocarmine G, C.I. 50085 | |
Azocarmine, solution | |
Azophloxine, C.I. 18050 | |
Azure A, C.I. 52005 | |
Azure B, C.I. 52010 | |
Azure C, C.I.52002 | |
Azure II | |
Azure II Eosinate | |
Basic Activation buffer | |
Benedict’s reagent | |
Biebrich Scarlet, C.I. 26905 | |
Biebrich Scarlet-Acid Fuchsin reagent | |
Bio-Diff 2 RTU ragent | |
BioFix | |
BioFix C | |
BioFix GL | |
BioFix HD | |
BioForm S | |
BioGram 4 kit | |
BioGram ECO kit | |
BioGram Histo kit | |
Bismarck Brown Y, C.I. 21000 | |
Bluing reagent | |
Borax, solution | |
Bouin’s solution | |
Brilliant Cresyl Blue, C.I. 51010 | |
Brilliant Cresyl Blue, solution | |
Brilliant Green Certified, C.I. 42040 | |
Buffer solution, pH 6.4 | |
Buffer solution, pH 6.8 | |
Buffer solution, pH 7.2 | |
Buffer tablets pH 6,8 | |
Buffered saline (Dulbecco) (0,01 mol/L, Tween 20), sterile filtered | |
Buffered saline (Dulbecco), with added calcium and magnesium, concentrated 10x, sterile filtered | |
Buffered saline (Dulbecco), with added calcium and magnesium, sterile filtered | |
Buffered saline (Dulbecco), without added calcium and magnesium, sterile filtered | |
Canada Balsam | |
Carbol Fuchsin Gram 10x concentrated | |
Carmine, C.I. 75470 | |
Celestine Blue, C.I. 51050 | |
Chromotrope 2R / Aniline Blue reagent | |
Chromotrope 2R / Fast Green F.C.F. reagent | |
Chromotrope 2R, C.I. 16570 | |
CitoFix | |
Clean Lens, solution 2 | |
Eriochrome Cyanine R, C.I. 43820 | |
Fast Green F.C.F. contrast reagent | |
Fast Green F.C.F. reagent | |
Fast Green F.C.F., C.I. 42053 | |
Ferri reagent, Verhoeff B | |
Ferri reagent, Weigert B | |
Feulgen kit | |
Field kit | |
Field, solution A | |
Field, solution B | |
Formaldehyde 37% for use in histology | |
Fouchet-Van Gieson kit | |
Fuchsin Acid reagent | |
Fuchsin Acid Van Gieson reagent | |
Fuchsin Acid, C.I. 42685 | |
Fuchsin Basic reagent | |
Fuchsin Basic, C.I. 42510 | |
Fuchsin Basic, solution | |
Fuchsin Basic-Schiff, C.I. 42500 | |
Gabbett’s reagent | |
Gelatin, gel in transport jar | |
Gentian Violet, C.I. 42555 | |
Giemsa | |
Giemsa HP kit | |
Giemsa solution | |
Glutaraldehyde, 4 % buffered solution | |
Gold chloride, 0.2% solution | |
Gold chloride, 1% solution | |
Gold chloride, 2% solution | |
Gomori Trichrome kit | |
Gram Crystal Violet 1% solution | |
Gram Crystal Violet, phenol-free reagent | |
Gram Decolorizer solution 1 | |
Gram Decolorizer solution 2 | |
Gram Decolorizer solution 3 | |
Gram Lugol solution | |
Gram Lugol solution, stabilized | |
Gram Safranin 5x concentrated | |
Gram Safranin solution | |
Gram sodium hydrogencarbonate, solution | |
Grimelius kit | |
Grocott kit | |
H.B.F.P. kit | |
Hayem’s solution | |
HCL Pap reagent | |
HCL reagent, A.F.O.G. | |
HCL reagent, Colloidal Iron | |
HCL reagent, Feulgen |
HCL reagent, HemoGnost Perls |
HCL reagent, P.A.S. |
HCL reagent, Weigert-Van Gieson |
Hematoxylin CAR |
Hematoxylin COL |
Hematoxylin G1 |
Hematoxylin G2 |
Hematoxylin G3 |
Hematoxylin H |
Hematoxylin HP, Pap 1A |
Hematoxylin HP, Pap 1B |
Hematoxylin Instant kit |
Hematoxylin M |
Hematoxylin ML |
Hematoxylin P.T.A. |
Hematoxylin P.T.A. kit |
Hematoxylin W kit |
Hematoxylin, C.I. 75290 |
Hematoxylin, Verhoeff, A |
Hematoxylin, Weigert A |
Hemognost Perls kit |
Histanol 100 Denaturated 100% ethyl alcohol. |
Histanol 50 |
Histanol 70 |
Histanol 80 |
Histanol 95 |
Histanol 96 |
Histanol EP 100 |
Histanol EP 95 |
Histanol G |
Histanol IP |
Histanol M |
Hydroquinone, solution |
Immersion oil |
Immersion oil type 37 |
Immersion oil type A |
Immersion oil type C |
Immersion oil type FF |
Immersion oil, tropical grade |
Immunoform |
Iodine solution, Verhoeff C |
Iron chloride, solution |
Iron nitrate, solution |
Janus Green B, C.I. 11050 |
Jenner Stain |
Kit for rapid HE staining of frozen and paraffin-embedded sections |
Kit for rapid Pap staining |
Kovacs indole reagent |
Lactophenol Blue solution |
Lactophenol solution |
Leishman Stain |
Leishman´s solution |
Light Green S.F. reagent |
Light Green S.F., C.I. 42095 |
Liquid Blocker (Pap pen) marker pen |
Lithium carbonate, Luxol |
Lithium carbonate, solution |
Lugol´s C solution |
Lugol’s solution (Schiller’s test) |
Lugol’s solution, acid |
Lugol’s solution, M.I.F. |
Luxol Fast Blue kit |
Luxol Fast Blue MBSN, C.I. 74180 |
Luxol Fast Blue, solution |
M.F. reagent |
M.I. F. kit |
Malachite Green, C.I. 42000 |
Mallory Trichrome kit |
Martius Scarlet Blue (MSB) kit |
Martius Yellow C.I. 10315 |
Martius Yellow, solution |
Masson Fontana kit |
Masson Trichrome kit |
Masson-Goldner Trichrome kit |
Mayer’s mucicarmine |
May-Gruenwald |
May-Gruenwald solution |
Metanil Yellow, C.I. 13065 |
Metanil Yellow, solution |
Methenamine, solution |
Methyl Blue Eosin, solution |
Methyl Green, C.I. 42590 |
Methyl Violet 10B, C.I. 42555 |
Methyl Violet 2B, C.I. 42535 |
Methylene Blue 10x concentrated |
Methylene Blue Loeffler’s reagent |
Methylene Blue, C.I. 52015 |
Methylene Green, C.I. 52020 |
Micro Clean |
Movat kit |
Mucicarmine kit |
Myco-Mount Blue |
Myco-Mount Red |
NB Formaldehyde concentrated 5x |
Neutral Red reagent |
Neutral Red, C.I. 50040 |
Nigrosine WS, C.I. 50420 |
Nigrosine, izotonic solution |
Nuclear Fast Red (Kernechtrot) reagent |
Nuclear Fast Red, C.I. 60760 |
OG-6 reagent, Pap 2A |
OG-EA31 Pap reagent |
OG-EA50 Pap reagent |
Oil Red O kit |
Oil Red O reagent |
Oil Red O, C.I. 26125 |
Orange G / Aniline Blue reagent |
Orange G, 1% solution |
Orange G, C.I. 16230 |
Orange II reagent, Pap 2B |
Orange II, C.I. 15510 |
Orcein kit |
Orcein reagent |
Orcein, C.I. (ed.1) 1242 |
OsteoFast 1 |
Osteosens |
Oxalic acid, 1% solution |
Oxalic acid, 2% solution |
P.A.S. kit |
P.A.S.M. / Jones kit |
P.T.A. – P.M.A. reagent |
Paraldehyde Fuchsin kit |
Paraldehyde Fuchsin reagent |
Periodic acid, 0.5% solution |
Periodic acid, 0.8% solution |
Periodic Acid, 1% solution |
Phloxine B, C.I. 45410 |
Phosphomolybdic acid, 1% solution |
Phosphomolybdic acid, 5% solution |
Phosphotungstic acid, 1% solution |
Phosphotungstic acid, 5% solution |
Picric acid in acetone, solution |
Ponceau S, C.I. 27195 |
Ponceau S, solution |
Potassium hexacyanoferrate, Colloidal Iron solution |
Potassium hexacyanoferrate, solution |
Potassium hydroxide, solution |
Potassium hydroxide, solution for fungi |
Potassium permanganate |
Potassium permanganate, 0,5 % solution |
Potassium permanganate, 1 % solution |
Propylene glycol |
Propylene glycol, 85% |
Pyronine B, C.I. 45010 |
Reagent for differentiation in Gomori Trichrome kit |
Reagent for differentiation in Verhoeff kit |
Reducing buffer, solution |
Resorcine Fuchsin reagent |
Resorcinol, C.I. 76505 |
Reticulin Contrast kit |
Reticulin kit |
Rhodamine B, C.I. 45170 |
Rhodanine |
Rhodanine kit |
Rhodanine reagent |
Rose Bengal, C.I. 45440 |
Saccomanno fixative |
Safranin O, C.I. 50240 |
Scott’s solution |
Shorr’s solution |
Silver ammonia reagent |
Silver ammonia, solution |
Silver nitrate, solution |
Silver nitrate, WS solution |
Sirius Red, C.I. 35780 |
Sodium acetate, solution |
Sodium hydroxide, solution |
Sodium metabisulfite |
Sodium metabisulfite, solution for Feulgen |
Sodium tetraborate, solution |
Sodium thiosulphate, 2% solution |
Sodium thiosulphate, 5% solution |
Sperm-Diff RTU kit |
Sudan Black B kit |
Sudan Black B Lipid kit |
Sudan Black B reagent |
Sudan Black B, C.I. 26150 |
Sudan Black B, solution |
Sudan III, C.I. 26100 |
Sudan IV, C.I. 26105 |
Sulfuric acid 0.3%, solution |
Sulfuric acid 0.5% solutions |
Sulfuric acid 3% solutions |
Sulphosalicylic acid, 20% solution |
TB Armand reagent |
TB Auramine O reagent |
TB Auramine-Rhodamine reagent |
TB Carbol Fuchsin reagent |
TB Decolorizer |
TB Decolorizer Fluorescent |
TB Fuchsin reagent |
TB Malachite Green reagent |
TB Malachite Green reagent |
TB Permanganate reagent |
TB-Stain Auramine O kit |
TB-Stain Cold kit |
TB-Stain ECO kit |
TB-Stain Fluorescent kit |
TB-Stain Histo kit |
TB-Stain Hot kit |
TB-Stain Quick kit |
Tincture of iodine, 1% |
Tissue marking dye, black |
Tissue marking dye, blue |
Tissue marking dye, green |
Tissue marking dye, lilac |
Tissue marking dye, orange |
Tissue marking dye, red |
Tissue marking dye, yellow |
Tissue marking dyes, 5 color set |
Tissue marking dyes, 7 color set |
Tissue Soft |
Toluidine Blue O, C.I.52040 |
Toluidine Blue, solution |
Trichloroacetic acid, solution |
Tuerk’s solution |
UriGnost S kit |
UriGnost S reagent |
UriGnost SM kit |
UriGnost SM reagent |
Van Gieson Trichrome kit |
Verhoeff kit |
Victoria Blue B, C.I. 44045 |
Victoria Blue R, C.I. 42563 |
Von Kossa kit |
Warthin Starry kit |
Water Blue, C.I. 42755 |
Weigert-Van Gieson kit |
Wright’s solution |
Wright’s Stain |
Wright-Giemsa solution |
Wright-Giemsa, solution for reptiles |
Xylidine Ponceau, C.I. 16150 |